CNC turning

Five-axis machining and milling machining with counter-spindle resection up to d. 52 mm.

Materials worked: brass, steels, aluminum, stainless steel, plexiglass.

Capacity of CNC machines

Most computer controlled work centers are equipped with vertical spindle motion to produce highly accurate engravings, sculptures and machinations. Machining on these machines can also be indistinguishable to an eyeless eye compared to handmade art objects. If used with conical or spherical cutters, they can create absolutely smooth, high-precision surfaces, quickly, automated, and at an extremely low cost. The best CNC machines come to a precision of one-tenth of a millimeter (100 nanometers).

The most advanced CNC machines are equipped with adjustable heads (tiltable axes) that can rotate gyroscopically along two axes. This allows you to tilt the tool over all work planes, making it possible to produce very complex shapes even with organic shapes and hardly obtainable even with manual machining, such as a cavity with a single hole narrow but sufficient to make Pass the cutter. Tilting heads also allow you to optimize the workflow by allowing you to work with the tool sloped to the feed plane, avoiding using the tool part at zero speed (milling cutter center). With the latest numeric controls, they begin to implement advanced surface processing capabilities, allowing NURBS 3D surfaces to be processed natively, without the need for intermediate CAM programs. The optimum utilization of the features of these machines can be achieved through special copying and molding accessories or by computer through a chain of programs: first, an object is created with the CAD, which is then passed to CAM, which is responsible for creating the program for The realization on a machine date, and finally the program is run by the machine by creating the material object.

Virtually all modern CNC machines are “closed loop” (with closed or retracted chains): each axis is equipped with encoders (rotary encoders or optical lattice) that allow control to know at any moment the position of the machining head relative to piece. The use of optical lenses allows complete recovery of the transmission games by measuring directly and not through the cinematics the position of the axis and thus greater precision of work.